學分數 |
修課時數 |
開課班級 |
日間部四年制3年級 B班
本課程培養學生下列知識: |
離散數學是所有數位資訊處理的基礎,本課程首先探討基本的物件計數問題(排列與組合)、集合概念,繼而針對離散數學基本邏輯證明方法作一個整體的介紹,然後,探討圖形相關的概念與問題等,本課程之課程目標為:1.排列與組合的使用與應用2.邏輯的基礎 3.集合理論4.數學歸納法的使用5.遞迴關係的概念6.圖形理論的介紹Discrete Mathematics is the basis of all of "digital" information processing. In this courese, we first introduce the fundamental principles of counting and set concept, and then give the overview of techniques for mathematic proofs. Finally, we introduce the recurrence relations and graph theory. The main goal of this course includes: (1)Fundamental Principles of Counting; (2)Fundamentals of Logic; (3)Set Theory; (4)Mathematical Induction; (5) Recurrence Relations; (6)An Introduction to Graph Theory.
每週授課主題 |
第01週:Fundamental Principles of Counting (1)第02週:Fundamental Principles of Counting (2)第03週:Fundamental Principles of Counting (3)第04週:Fundamentals of Logic (1)第05週:Fundamentals of Logic (2)第06週:Fundamentals of Logic (3)第07週:Set Theory(1)第08週:Set Theory(2)第09週:期中考第10週:Mathematical Induction (1)第11週:Mathematical Induction (2)第12週:Recurrence Relations (1)第13週:Recurrence Relations (2)第14週:An Introduction to Graph Theory(1)第15週:An Introduction to Graph Theory(2)第16週:Trees第17週:Optimization and Matching第18週:期末考
成績及評量方式 |
證照、國家考試及競賽關係 |
主要教材 |
1.Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics, 5th editionR.P. GrimaldiAddison Wesley (東華代理)20045 (教科書)2.洪若偉(自編講義)
教師資料 |
E-Mail: rwhung@cyut.edu.tw
Office Hour:
星期二,第5~6節,地點:E-724; 星期三,第7~8節,地點:E-724; 分機:7758