學分數 |
修課時數 |
開課班級 |
日間部四年制1年級 B班
本課程培養學生下列知識: |
探討幼兒園教保內涵在其時空和文化脈絡影響下,教保理論與實踐的發展演進:包括生態環境、教保內涵、幼兒圖像、典範人物行誼,以及教保機構組織、教保內涵與機構資源運用等的探討與理解,涵育教保服務人員的專業與敬業。1.瞭解幼兒園生態環境及其教保內涵的演進。2.探討幼兒圖像形構及其與學習活動的角色關係。3.學習幼兒教保發展重要典範人物的學思與行誼。4.熟識教保機構之教保內涵及其組織與資源的運用。5.涵育教保服務人員的專業素養及其敬業態度。1.瞭解幼兒園生態環境及其教保內涵的演進。2.探討幼兒圖像形構及其與學習活動的角色關係。3.學習幼兒教保發展重要典範人物的學思與行誼。4.熟識教保機構之教保內涵及其組織與資源的運用。 5.涵育教保服務人員的專業素養及其敬業態度。Discuss the development and evolution of education and protection theory and practice under the influence of its time and space and cultural context, including the ecological environment, the content of education and protection, images of children, the friendship of model characters, as well as the organization of education and protection institutions, and the content of education and protection. Explore and understand the use of institutional resources, and cultivate the professionalism and dedication of education and protection service personnel. 1. Understand the evolution of the kindergarten ecological environment and the connotation of education and protection. 2. Explore the shape of children's image and its role relationship with learning activities. 3. To learn the thinking and friendship of important model figures in the development of early childhood education and protection. 4. Familiar with the education and insurance connotation of education and insurance institutions and the use of organization and resources. 5. Cultivate the professionalism and professional attitude of education and protection service personnel.
每週授課主題 |
成績及評量方式 |
證照、國家考試及競賽關係 |
主要教材 |
1.幼兒教保概論林純雯等合著華格那2018 (教科書)
教師資料 |
E-Mail: mlyang@cyut.edu.tw
Office Hour:
星期二,第3~4節,地點:L-703; 星期四,第8~9節,地點:L-703; 分機:4337