當期課號 |
中文科名 |
學分數 |
修課時數 |
開課班級 |
日間部四年制1年級 A班
本課程培養學生下列知識: |
會計師業務涉及公眾利益,其道德倫理的要求高於其他行業。本課程區分為教室內課程及教室外活動兩部份。教室內會計專業倫理課程,乃藉由實務案例、影片引導、討論等形式,讓學生知悉會計專業活動中的倫理兩難問題,並說明所需理性分析與判斷的技巧。另鑒於「團隊合作」亦是職業倫理教育的一環,因此本課程第二部份乃藉由教室外團體建構相關活動,提昇學生有效溝通、建立團隊目標、領導架構、利益衝突處理及問題解決及分析等能力,提升學生進入職場後的適應性。1.學習會計倫理的概念或原則2.培養將會計倫理原則融入決策歷程中的能力3.培養理性分析判斷與抉擇的技巧4.提昇人際互動能力,從團體活動課程中實際操作,學習溝通及傾聽的技巧及非語言性溝通,提升有效的溝通能力強化人際關係5.提昇團隊合作能力,從團體活動課程中實際演練建立團隊目標、領導架構,處理利益衝突及問題解決與分析等核心能力The business of accountants, especially Certified Public Accountants, involve public interest, thus the required accountants’ ethical and moral standard is expected to be higher than other professions’. This course has been divided to both indoor classes and outdoor activities. The indoor classes will acquaint students with problems involved moral dilemma arising in accounting professional activities, and with methods for analyzing and evaluating a variety of positions on these issues through practical case studies, film presentation or group activities.
In addition, because team cooperation is also a segment of professional ethical education, the second part of this course would be conducted through group structuring related activities outside of classrooms, aiming to enhance students’ effective communication skills, assisting students in establishing team goals, leadership structures, and abilities in handling conflict of interests, problem solving and analysis, thus increasing students’ adaptability in entering business world.
每週授課主題 |
成績及評量方式 |
證照、國家考試及競賽關係 |
教師資料 |
E-Mail: bonnie@cyut.edu.tw
Office Hour:
星期一,第3~4節,地點:R-237; 星期二,第1~2節,地點:R-237; 分機:4580