學分數 |
修課時數 |
開課班級 |
日間部四年制0年級 1班
本課程培養學生下列知識: |
本課程是日間部四技大一學生的兩學期必修課程。1.聽:聽懂生活情境相關的簡單問題。2.說:進行簡單句型的英語對話,例如見面問候、拒絕、接受及喜好等。3.讀:看懂生活情境相關的簡單資訊,例如告示、時刻表及活動訊息等。4.寫:寫出日常生活相關的簡短句子與對話。5.文化:展現對於多元文化理解與溝通之能力。6.資訊運用:學習使用適當的線上資源,培養自學能力,了解地方文化特色,提升在地文化素養。The goal of this course is to improve students’communicative skills as follows.
每週授課主題 |
第01週:Unit 1. How's it going? Meet and greet / Say hell第02週:Unit 1. How's it going? Meet and greet / Say hell第03週:Unit 2. Who are they? Family relationships / Rela第04週:Unit 2. Who are they? Family relationships / Rela第05週:Unit 3. What a beautiful home! Places in the home第06週:Unit 3. What a beautiful home! Places in the home第07週:Unit 4. Where are you now? The calender / Ways to第08週:Unit 4. Where are you now? The calender / Ways to第09週:Unit 5. Do I need an umbrella? Weather items / We第10週:Unit 5. Do I need an umbrella? Weather items / We第11週:Unit 6. What do you like to do? Types of music / 第12週:Unit 6. What do you like to do? Types of music / 第13週:Unit 7. Are you ready to order? Food groups / Foo第14週:Unit 7. Are you ready to order? Food groups / Foo第15週:Unit 8. Do you have a reservation? Personal care 第16週:Unit 8. Do you have a reservation? Personal care 第17週:Unit 9. Is everything OK? Describing things / Tec第18週:Unit 10. How was your weekend? Describing activit
成績及評量方式 |
證照、國家考試及競賽關係 |
主要教材 |
1.StartUp 1Ken Beatty文鶴97801346841302019 年 02 月 (教科書)
教師資料 |
E-Mail: simon0713@cyut.edu.tw
Office Hour: