學分數 |
修課時數 |
開課班級 |
日間部四年制0年級 5班
本課程培養學生下列知識: |
本課程將以廣告行銷的相關題材為主要課程內容,課程規劃含相關專業詞彙介紹、情境練習、及口語發表等。並透過互動式的課程活動進一步提升同學對於此專業領域的英文應用與溝通的能力。 1.學習及運用廣告行銷領域相關之專業詞彙2.強化學生廣告行銷領域之英文溝通能力及信心3.運用習得之廣告行銷英文進行討論及發表意見This course is designed to develop students’ English language skills through the study of marketing and advertising. The lessons focus on introduction to marketing and advertising, presenting ideas, giving and asking for opinions, discussing an ad campaign, creating ads, planning a marketing strategy, and giving presentation. Through discussing important topics relating to marketing and advertising, the course will facilitate students to get familiarized with English used in this field. It is hoped that students are able to improve their speaking skills and develop confidence to communicate effectively in English.
Course objectives:
1. To provide students the opportunity to understand and be able to use English vocabulary and phrases for marketing and advertising.
2. To strengthen students' ability and increase their confidence in using English when communicating.
3. To equip students with skills to discuss and express their own ideas efficiently in English.
每週授課主題 |
第01週:第一天課程,教學大綱介紹第02週:廣告行銷介紹第03週:Unit 1第04週:Unit 2第05週:Unit 3第06週:Unit 4第07週:Unit 5第08週:簡報準備第09週:簡報報告第10週:期中考第11週:Unit 6第12週:Unit 7第13週:Unit 8第14週:Unit 9第15週:Unit 10第16週:簡報準備第17週:簡報報告第18週:期末考
成績及評量方式 |
課堂參與提問表現 :25%作業與報告:15%期中考::30%期末考::30%
證照、國家考試及競賽關係 |
主要教材 |
1.Cambridge English for MarketingNick RobinsonCambridge University Press97805211246072010 (教科書)
教師資料 |
E-Mail: activa.amy@gmail.com
Office Hour: