學分數 |
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開課班級 |
日間部四年制0年級 1班
本課程培養學生下列知識: |
現代國家法治為世界社會潮流之主幹,為使全民瞭解法律的基本規範。本課程即為補足過去教育中所欠缺的法治教育。提供數項實例,以具體生活經驗引領學生進入法律領域之思考,以學習此項社會科學之哲學。培養具備法政與社會科學知識、民主與法治素養,以及獨立思考判斷能力之人才1.培養學生兼通法律、政治與社會教育之精 神2.達到人與社會之圓融境地3.同時訓練學生具備法政與社會科學知識、 民主與法治素養4.獨立思考判斷能力之人才5.建構及增進表達能力Modern legal systems are mainstream today because citizens are able to understand the basic rules and regulations of law. As such, this course is designed to add to and supplement the rule of law perspective from previous course offerings. Using empirical data and real world experience, this class guides students in making legal analysis and learning the main theoretical perspectives in philosophy of law. Furthermore, this class aims to develop individuals who have the ability to make independent judgment with political, legal, and societal knowledge along with an understanding of the rule of man and the rule of law.
每週授課主題 |
成績及評量方式 |
證照、國家考試及競賽關係 |
教師資料 |
E-Mail: k12023@cyut.edu.tw
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