學分數 |
修課時數 |
開課班級 |
日間部四年制2年級 B班
本課程培養學生下列知識: |
本課程將介紹作業系統(OS)重要的主題,如作業系統架構、行程管理、CPU排班、檔案管理、記憶體管理、核心、週邊管理、死結、同步等,其主要內容包括:1.瞭解電腦系統與作業系統結構2.熟悉行程3.熟悉CPU排班4.瞭解死結偵測5.熟悉記憶體管理6.熟悉虛擬記憶體管理7.瞭解檔案系統及第二儲存體The goal of this course is to provide the students with a basic knowledge of the kernel of operating systems. The main topics include system structure, user interfaces, process management, memory management, file systems, and distributed systems. The students will realize the following topics after finishing this course: 1. the concepts of an operating system, 2.the techniques of the kernel of operating systems, 3. the basic concepts of distributed systems.
每週授課主題 |
第01週:Chapter 1: Introduction (簡介) (1)第02週:Chapter 1: Introduction (簡介) (2)第03週:Chapter 2: System Structures (系統結構)第04週:Chapter 3: Process Concept (行程概念)第05週:Chapter 4: Multi-thread Programming第06週:Chapter 5: Process Scheduling (行程排班) (1)第07週:Chapter 5: Process Scheduling (行程排班) (2)第08週:Chapter 8: Memory-Management Strategies (1)第09週:期中考第10週:Chapter 8: Memory-Management Strategies (2)第11週:Chapter 9: Virtual-Memory Management (1)第12週:Chapter 9: Virtual-Memory Management (2)第13週:Chapter 10: File System (檔案系統)第14週:Chapter 11: Implementing File Systems 第15週:期末報告(1)第16週:期末報告(2)第17週:期末報告(3)第18週:期末考
成績及評量方式 |
證照、國家考試及競賽關係 |
主要教材 |
1.作業系統精論 9/e駱詩軒譯東華書局978-957-483-798-420149 (教科書)2.自編投影片上課(自編講義)
教師資料 |
E-Mail: rwhung@cyut.edu.tw
Office Hour:
星期一,第5~6節,地點:E-724; 星期三,第7~8節,地點:E-724; 分機:7758