學分數 |
修課時數 |
開課班級 |
日間部四年制3年級 A班
本課程培養學生下列知識: |
本課程主要在引導學生對於動態圖像的了解。課程重點在於建構學生對動態圖像的潮流變化的瞭解和掌握。授課主題包括整合動態文字、圖像、動畫和影音等編輯。本課程並透過一系列的實例操作分析來增進學生對動態圖像的技能。1.動態圖像的瞭解2.動態圖像的潮流變化的瞭解和掌握3.整合動態文字、圖像、動畫和影音等編輯4.增進學生對動態圖像的技能This course is designed to enhance the comprehension and utilization of motion graphics. The focus lies in the understanding of the trend of motion graphics. The topics will cover the integration of motion text, images, animation and video editing and tec. Students are expected to improve their skills on motion graphics through a series of demonstrations and hands on practices.
每週授課主題 |
第01週: AE lesson1--Basic technique第02週:AE lesson2-Basic Animation第03週:AE lesson2-Basic Animation第04週:AE Lesson3-Graphic Editor第05週:AE Lesson3-Graphic Editor第06週:AE lesson4 - Layer Control第07週:AE lesson4 - Layer Control第08週:AE lesson5-matte第09週:AE lesson5-matte第10週:AE lesson6-type animation第11週:AE lesson6-type animation第12週:AE lesson7-parenting and nesting第13週:AE lesson7-parenting and nesting第14週:AE lesson8-3D space第15週:AE lesson8-3D space第16週:AE lesson9_track and key第17週:AE lesson9_track and key第18週:期末作業發表
成績及評量方式 |
證照、國家考試及競賽關係 |
教師資料 |
E-Mail: jeromelin2006@cyut.edu.tw
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