學分數 |
修課時數 |
開課班級 |
日間部四年制0年級 5班
本課程培養學生下列知識: |
1.學習設計及文創領域相關之專業單字2.孰悉設計及文創領域的閱讀題材3.強化學生設計及文創領域口語表達之技巧及信心4.運用習得之設計及文創英文進行作品介紹This course is designed for students with an interest in Design & Cultural and Creative Industries. The lessons provide a unique opportunity for students to learn specialized vocabulary and structures to discuss the latest works in the field of design. Authentic professional reading materials are also included to provide more exposure. Interactive class activities are designed to promote active learning and strengthen communication skills. This course seeks to enhance students’ international competiveness and global mobility.
The course objectives are:
1.to enlarge students’ vocabulary bank related to design & cultural and creative industries.
2.to develop students’ reading ability through exposure to authentic professional reading materials.
3.to equip students with skills and confidence to express their own ideas.
4.to encourage students to introduce their own works professionally in English.
每週授課主題 |
第01週:Culture: Music, Film, and Television第02週:Culture: Music, Film, and Television第03週:Culture: Music, Film, and Television第04週:World Events: History, Science, and Technology第05週:World Events: History, Science, and Technology第06週:World Events: History, Science, and Technology第07週:Human Interest: Society, Environment, Travel第08週:Human Interest: Society, Environment, Travel第09週:Human Interest: Society, Environment, Travel第10週:Sports: Local sports, world sports, people in spor第11週:Sports: Local sports, world sports, people in spor第12週:Sports: Local sports, world sports, people in spor第13週:Politics: Local politics, Regional politics, World第14週:Politics: Local politics, Regional politics, World第15週:Politics: Local politics, Regional politics, World第16週:Editorials: Writing and presenting news and opinio第17週:Editorials: Writing and presenting news and opinio第18週:Editorials: Writing and presenting news and opinio
成績及評量方式 |
assignment:90%final presentation :10%participation:0%
證照、國家考試及競賽關係 |
主要教材 |
1.newspapers, podcasts, internet sites, television, and radionewspapers, podcasts, internet sites, television, and radionewspapers, podcasts, internet sites, television, and radio (教科書)2.www.edomodo.com Group code: 8zhnyf (數位學習平台)
教師資料 |
E-Mail: brucegshapiro@gmail.com
Office Hour: