當期課號 |
中文科名 |
學分數 |
修課時數 |
開課班級 |
日間部四年制3年級 A班
本課程與系所培養學生核心能力關聯度 | 高度關聯 | 中高關聯 | 中度關聯 | 中低關聯 | 低度關聯 |
應用財金專業知識與技能能力。 |
財金資訊與電腦操作能力。 |
實踐倫理道德與終身學習能力。 |
獨立思考與問題解決能力。 |
協調合作與溝通表達能力。 |
本課程培養學生下列知識: |
使修習同學瞭解不動產財務之運作原理及其投資報酬之特性,並與其它投資標的進行比較。使修習同學熟悉財務電子計算機之運用,使其在實務運作上能做出明確迅速之決策。培養投資開發之評估專業人才,促進台灣不動產業界之現代化。包含金融市場的證券化商品與個案,因此不但可以使同學學習到REITs的商品,並且可以提升台灣不動產證券化的專業知識。1.熟悉不動產財務金融基本原理2.熟悉各種不動產抵押貸款方式及本金與利息之攤銷3.介紹不動產與金融資產證券化4.熟悉評估不動產加入投資組合的影響5.熟悉其他如不動產估價、交易體系及專案融資等專題6.熟悉證券化的過程與個案分析This course introduces the principle of real estate finance, investment and securitization. These include investing, development financing, appraising, consulting, managing real estate portfolios, leasing, managing property, analyzing site locations, and managing corporate real estate. This material is also relevant to individuals who want to better understand real estate for their own personal investment and financing decisions.
We also discuss the secondary market for both residential and commercial mortgages and examine how mortgage-backed securities are structured. This includes a discussion of the risks these investments pose, which is important to making sound investments. This course also includes a discussion of real estate investment trusts (REITs). These public companies invest in real estate and allow investors to own a diversified portfolio of real estate by purchasing shares of stock in the company. Finally, we discuss how to evaluate real estate in a portfolio that also includes other investments such as stocks and bonds. This includes understanding the diversification benefits of including real estate in a portfolio as well as ways to diversify within the real estate portfolio (including international investment).
每週授課主題 |
成績及評量方式 |
證照、國家考試及競賽關係 |
參考資料 |
書名:不動產投資管理 作者:林左裕 出版年(西元): 出版社:智勝
教師資料 |
E-Mail: hunpeter65@cyut.edu.tw
Office Hour:
星期二,第3~4節,地點:R-226; 星期三,第1~2節,地點:R-226; 分機:7823