學分數 |
修課時數 |
開課班級 |
日間部四年制0年級 5班
本課程培養學生下列知識: |
選擇二次大戰以後具重要性與啟發性之韓戰、越戰、英阿福克蘭島戰役、中東以阿戰爭、美伊戰爭等五個戰史,剖析其發生原因、作戰經過、成敗得失之關鍵因素,以及其對國家民族前途之影響,使學生從認識戰爭的動機、時機與特質,以史為鑑,記取前人經驗與教訓,進而激勵建立強大自主國防武力之共識。1.使學生從課程解析中認識戰爭的動機、時機與特質。2.以史為鑑,記取前人經驗與教訓,進而支持建立強大自主國防武力之共識。3.以宏觀的角度報探討戰爭的得失,從而引發學生對國家安全的認同。4.探討各個戰役中,分析比較戰略、戰術之作為,培養同學事情分析能力。The purpose of this course is to have the students understand the motives, timing and
traits of wars, learn the historical experiences and lessons to get wisdom and be
further encouraged to have the common recognition of building up a strong and
independent national defense army. In class five great war histories are selected and
analyzed as examples to let students know the causes of the wars, the processes of
warring, the key factors that determined the wars, eventual success of failure, and
their influences on a nation’s fate, etc. These five wars are: The Korean war, Vietnam war, Farkland Island war between the UK and Argentina, the war between Israel and Arabian countries in Middle East, and the war between Iraq and the US.
每週授課主題 |
成績及評量方式 |
證照、國家考試及競賽關係 |
教師資料 |
E-Mail: lten@cyut.edu.tw
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