學分數 |
修課時數 |
開課班級 |
日間部四年制0年級 1班
本課程與系所培養學生核心能力關聯度 | 高度關聯 | 中高關聯 | 中度關聯 | 中低關聯 | 低度關聯 |
一般社交及工作場合以英、外語溝通表達能力。 |
閱讀並理解不同主題文章及工作所需文件能力。 |
以英、外語認識世界多元文化能力。 |
有效自主學習英、外語能力。 |
本課程培養學生下列知識: |
本課程是日間部四技大二學生的兩學期必修課程。1.聽:聽懂簡單的電話對話以及公共場所一般性的廣播。2.說:進行特定的日常生活對話如購物、問路、經驗分享等。3.讀:看懂路標、號誌、菜單、時刻表等以及能閱讀短篇故事。4.寫:能以完整的文字與句型寫出與個人經歷有關的短文。This course is a two-semester required course for sophomores in Four-year Day Program. The goal of this course is to improve the following language skills.
1. Listening – To understand phone conversations and broadcasting announcements in public places.
2. Speaking – To make conversations about shopping, asking directions and sharing experiences.
3. Reading – To understand signposts, menus, timetables and to read short stories.
4. Writing – To compose short articles about personal experiences with proper sentence patterns and words.
每週授課主題 |
第01週:Ice-breaking & Book Review Writing第02週:Unit 5: Personal Care and Appearance第03週:Unit 5: Personal Care and Appearance第04週:Unit 5: Personal Care and Appearance第05週:Unit 5: Personal Care and Appearance, HW 5第06週:Unit 6: Eating Well第07週:Unit 6: Eating Well第08週:Oral第09週:Midterm Exam第10週:Oral第11週:Unit 6: Eating Well第12週:Unit 6: Eating Well第13週:Reader Quiz第14週:Unit 7: About Personality第15週:Unit 7: About Personality第16週:Unit 7: About Personality, HW 7第17週:Final Exam第18週:Joint Exam
成績及評量方式 |
證照、國家考試及競賽關係 |
主要教材 |
1. Saslow, Joan & Ascher, Allen. 2011. Top Notch 2A 2nd edition. Pearson Education, Inc.(教科書)
教師資料 |
E-Mail: soniatiao@cyut.edu.tw
Office Hour:
星期一,第3~4節,地點:D-208; 星期五,第2~5節,地點:D-208; 分機:7526