學分數 |
修課時數 |
開課班級 |
日間部四年制1年級 A班
本課程與系所培養學生核心能力關聯度 | 高度關聯 | 中高關聯 | 中度關聯 | 中低關聯 | 低度關聯 |
專業外語應用能力。 |
電腦應用與簡報能力。 |
團隊合作與分析解決問題能力。 |
跨文化溝通能力。 |
生涯規劃與自我持續學習能力。 |
本課程培養學生下列知識: |
本課程是藉由整合性,理解性的寫作訓練,以其幫助學生發展出良好閱讀與分析、評估文章的技巧。透過〝閱讀前〞和〝閱讀後〞的練習, 以標示出良好寫作的優點和特色,如寫作結構、修辭模式等, 均為學生練習的重點。本課程的目標:熟悉不同的寫作風格、適度語言使用、成熟的修辭技巧等,如描述、比較分類以及論述式寫作。1.加強學生基礎英文文法能力2.加強學生分析不同英文句型能力3.訓練學生基礎英文寫作能力4.培養學生團隊合作及解決問題能力This course is intended to help student readers to develop skills in the reading and evaluation of analytic and descriptive texts, and other texts with different styles. Students will be exposed to experience diverse pre and post-reading exercises to highlight aspects of good writing, such as structure, rhetorical patterns and other features. Based on this skill, when students explore the rules and methods of essay-writing, they should be able to improve the effectiveness in presenting knowledge and viewpoints. This goal can be reached through the integration of language skills: reading, speaking, and writing and classroom activities such as discussion presentation, etc.
每週授課主題 |
第01週:course introduction: why do we write?第02週:competence and performance第03週:a model of literacy development第04週:How Writers Journey to Comfort and Fluency?第05週:a typology of writing problems第06週:delaying editing and using writer-based prose第07週:Superstitions第08週:Advice第09週:mid-term exam第10週:review of the mid-term exam第11週:The Art of Thought: incubation第12週:the composing process第13週:incubation and the composing process第14週:writing and illumination 第15週:School第16週:How reading and writing make you smarter?第17週:summing-up第18週:final exam
成績及評量方式 |
證照、國家考試及競賽關係 |
主要教材 |
2.Explorations in Language Acquisition and Use: Taipei Lectures(教科書)
教師資料 |
E-Mail: cswu@cyut.edu.tw
Office Hour:
星期四,第7節,地點:D-208; 星期三,第9節,地點:D-816; 星期四,第5~6節,地點:D-816; 分機:4366