學分數 |
修課時數 |
開課班級 |
日間部四年制0年級 5班
本課程與系所培養學生核心能力關聯度 | 高度關聯 | 中高關聯 | 中度關聯 | 中低關聯 | 低度關聯 |
一般社交及工作場合以英語溝通表達能力。 |
閱讀並理解不同主題文章及工作所需文件能力。 |
以英、外語認識世界多元文化能力。 |
有效自主學習英、外語能力。 |
本課程培養學生下列知識: |
本課程的目標為透過基礎文法強化,搭配各類題材寫作練習,拓展學生對於英文使用的多元思維,進而在創意與英文使用中找尋屬於自己風格的寫作模式。1.強化基礎文法的使用。2.學習並懂得使用英文慣用語。3.了解各類寫作題材及創意式的寫法。4.透過中英雙向翻譯練習加強英文寫作技巧。The purpose of this course is to introduce the multiple aspects of creativity applied in English writing by fostering students’ basic grammar competency, flexible writing skills in tackling assorted topics, and, most critically, the indispensable logic creativity in using English as a communication tool. It’s expected that students could establish, through repetitive and instructed practice, their personal writing styles after taking the course. The course objectives are:
1. To teache basic grammar.
2. To introduce culture-specific expressions, such as idioms or proverbs for application in writings.
3. To teache various writing genres and writing skills.
4. To teache Chinese-English translation and its’ implication in English writing.
每週授課主題 |
成績及評量方式 |
證照、國家考試及競賽關係 |
教師資料 |
E-Mail: paxsonkang@cyut.edu.tw
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