朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Environment & Ecological 環境與生態

當期課號 9066 Course Number 9066
授課教師 林國清 Instructor LIN,KUO CHING
中文課名 環境與生態 Course Name Environment & Ecological
開課單位 自然與科技發展課群(進) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Topics in Natural and the? Development of Sciences
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 一、培養學生正確之環境觀及生態概念。
Objectives The objective of this course is to provide students
1. To understand the correct environmental and ecological concept.
2. To understand the fundamental issues in environmental science. How environmental problems impact the ecological environment and the means to deal with these problems.
3. To explore the environmental science, to cherish ecological environment and to appreciate the harmony and beauty in nature.
4. To know the natural biodiversity and the position and responsibility of human in nature.
5. To investigate the ecosystem components and the relationship between biology and environment.
教材 朱錦忠著「環境生態學」,新文京開發公司,94年,ISBN 957-512-807-9.
參考書籍:Tyler Miller, JR. 2005. Essentials of ecology. 3e. Thomson. ISBN 0-534-99775-9. Teaching Materials
Teaching Materials 朱錦忠著「環境生態學」,新文京開發公司,94年,ISBN 957-512-807-9.
參考書籍:Tyler Miller, JR. 2005. Essentials of ecology. 3e. Thomson. ISBN 0-534-99775-9.
成績評量方式 1.出席及平時作業 40%.
2.期中考試 30%.
3.期末考試 30%.
Grading 1.class participation and homeworks40%.
2.mid-term examination 30%.
3.final examination 30%.
教師網頁 http://ge.ctl.cyut.edu.tw/xms/index.php?reload=1&favoriteMode=2&view=news/list.php
教學內容 本課程內容包括環境科學基本概念、環境問題對環境之影響、生態與環境的關係、族群的形成與特性、群落的構造與特質、生態的組成與基本作用、生態平衡、陸地生態系、水域生態系、台灣特有的生態系。 Syllabus the contents of this course include fundamental issues in environmental science, how dose environmental problems impact the environment, the relationship of ecology and environment, formation and trait of population, struture and trait of community, components and basic function of ecosystem, terrestrial ecosystem and aquatic ecosystem, and Taiwan endemic ecosystem.