朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
lifescience 生命科學概論

當期課號 9061 Course Number 9061
授課教師 謝奉家 Instructor HSIEH,FENG CHIA
中文課名 生命科學概論 Course Name lifescience
開課單位 自然與科技發展課群(進) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Topics in Natural and the? Development of Sciences
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 由於對生命的日愈重視,因此生命科學的探討聚集了更多人的注意。本門課主要是經由生命起源及滅絕的過程來探討,進而了解生命的來源.尊重生命,並進一步了解目前國內對生物科技發展的情形和其在未來生活上的應用。 Objectives In Life Science, students are introduced to the scientific study of living things. They should develop their understanding of the way a single species functions in its environment as well as how communities of species live in their environment and interact with one another. Students should be able to recognize genes, to understand biotechnology, to develop their conscience and to have respect to all things in the world.
教材 隨堂電腦投影片資料或講義。 Teaching Materials PowerPoint documents
成績評量方式 口頭報告(30%)、指定讀書心得作業(20%)、期末書面報告(20%)、平時成績(出席與討論)(30%) Grading oral presentation (30%)、assignments (20%)、term report (20%)、class performance (attendance and participation)(30%)
教師網頁 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/biopesticides-hsieh
教學內容 本課程將以深入淺出的方式介紹生物科技(例如轉基因作物、流感疫苗、PCR技術等)在農業上、醫學上以及生態環境上所造成的影響與衝擊,並概述其它不同科技領域的重要成果(例如奈米科技等),培養同學對新興科技的基本認知,並提高學生在生命科學相關知識領域的素養。 Syllabus Students are introduced to the study of scientific and technological developments, especially biotechnology and nanotechnology, in human life. They should be able to develop their concepts and to understand the impacts brought by the science and technology on agriculture, medicine and environment.