朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
General Criminal Law 刑法概要

當期課號 9046 Course Number 9046
授課教師 郭文雄 Instructor ,
中文課名 刑法概要 Course Name General Criminal Law
開課單位 法政與社會課群(進) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Topics in Jurisprudence And Social Science
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 刑法之內容有二:一是總則、二是各論。在有限的二學分中,本課程的主要目的乃使學生明白: 1.刑法中所定的各個犯罪之要義及規範意旨。 2.目前實務上的見解。 3.刑法分則之各個罪如何與總則配合。基此,於教學上係依刑法之總則與各論的順序,配合社會上常發生之案例解析。 Objectives "General Principles of Criminal Code"(Articles 1-99)will focus on the topics such as what is a crime, elements of a crime, rationale (basis) for prescribing a crime. "Criminal Code-Specific Offenses" (Articles 100-357) will focus on the offenses, including the components of the crimes, legal interests to be protected and the connection between the specific offenses and the General Principles of Criminal Code. In view of above,the main objective of this course is to train students to understand the issues associated with such individual crimes, the court "s view on such crimes and how the theory is reconciled with the General Principles of the Criminal Code.
教材 張麗卿,刑法總則理論與運用,2007年9月,五南 Teaching Materials General Principles of Criminal Code
成績評量方式 平時成績以出席率、上課表現(如問題回答)為標準,佔33.3%;
Grading 1.Midterm tests 33.3%, 2.Final tests 33.3%, 3.Coursework & Attendance 33.3%
教學內容 刑法之內容有二:一是總則、二是各論。在有限的二學分中,本課程的主要目的乃使學生明白: 1.刑法中所定的各個犯罪之要義及規範意旨。 2.目前實務上的見解。 3.刑法分則之各個罪如何與總則配合。基此,於教學上係依刑法之總則與各論的順序,配合社會上常發生之案例解析。 Syllabus "General Principles of Criminal Code"(Articles 1-99)will focus on the topics such as what is a crime, elements of a crime, rationale (basis) for prescribing a crime.
"Criminal Code-Specific Offenses" (Articles 100-363) will focus on the offenses, including the components of the crimes, legal interests to be protected and the connection between the specific offenses and the General Principles of Criminal Code.
In view of above,the main objective of this course is to train students to understand the issues associated with such individual crimes, the court 's view on such crimes and how the theory is reconciled with the General Principles of the Criminal Code.