朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Volley ball 排球

當期課號 9011 Course Number 9011
授課教師 邱靖華 Instructor Chiu,Ching Hua
中文課名 排球 Course Name Volley ball
開課單位 選項體育課群(進) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Sports Elective
學分數 1 Credits 1
課程目標 挑戰自我彈性與耐力性的運動,並且培養彼此默契的運動,兩隊(雙方)對抗,用手擊球過網以決勝負的球類運動。它不但是在球場上進行技術、體力、智力與心理等各方面的較量;其技術的層面對比賽結果的影響最為顯著,排球運動中的技術繁多,包括發球、傳接球、拳球、扣球、攔網、 Objectives Course description: A sport with the challenge of self-elasticity and endurance. It is an exercise among 2 teams that scored by hitting the ball with hands cross the net; it develops the tacit agreement among teammates. Volleyball is a competition not only among the strategies, but also among physical strength, intelligence, and psychology. There are lots of volleyball strategies that have distinct influence on the result of a competition. Volleyball strategies include serving a ball, passing a ball, hitting a ball, knotting a ball, blocking, defense, etc.
教材 排球、哨子、實地演練 Teaching Materials Volleyball、a volleyball court
成績評量方式 出席率30%
Grading mid-test 30%
final-test 30%
ordinarily accomplishment 40%
教學內容 1.排球史、規則介紹
Syllabus 1.introduce volleyball history & rules
2.serve a ball an underhand pass & master-hand
3.raise ball to smash
4.swift smash & long attack
5.practice to block and rescue ball