朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Observing of Young Children's Behavior 幼兒行為觀察

當期課號 8007 Course Number 8007
授課教師 陳薏如 Instructor CHEN,I JU
中文課名 幼兒行為觀察 Course Name Observing of Young Children's Behavior
開課單位 師資培育中心(幼教學程)一B Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程以幼兒行為觀察與記錄之理論與實務應用為主軸,內容包括幼兒發展之基本專業知識、行為觀察之專業知識與工具使用、以及專業觀察人員之心理預備;課程目的在培養學生觀察與紀錄幼兒行為的技巧與能力。 Objectives This course is designed to offer the theories of child behavior observation and to provide opportunities for students to practice their observing skills. The purpose of this course is to cultivate student's abilities in obsering and recording children's behaviors.
教材 幼兒行為觀察與紀錄 劉慈惠等合譯 2002 五南出版社 Teaching Materials Textbook
成績評量方式 1.課堂觀察練習20%
2.4次觀察及報告: 40%
3.期終評量: 40%
Grading 1.Observation practice 20%
2.Observation resport 40%
3.Final exam 40%
教學內容 1.了解幼兒觀察、紀錄與評量的方式。
Syllabus 1. Identify the types of observation and assessment
2. Identify principles relevant to guidance observation and assessment
3.Examine biological, environmental, cultural and other factors that impact
children’s behavior
4.Identify strategies for building partnerships with families and agencies for referrals and collaboration