朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Seminar on Leadership Styles and Leadership Effectiveness 領導風格與領導效能專題研究

當期課號 7729 Course Number 7729
授課教師 曹俊德 Instructor TSAO,JUN DE
中文課名 領導風格與領導效能專題研究 Course Name Seminar on Leadership Styles and Leadership Effectiveness
開課單位 幼兒保育系碩士在職專班二A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程的教育目標在於使學生能具備行政領導與學校效能的知識,並能具備建立、維持及發展托育機構行政環境之能力。啟發學生批判思考的精神,進而具有研究發展的能力。 Objectives The course is aimed to help students acquire knowledge of administration leadership styles and school effectiveness, and ability to build, maintain, and develop the context of administration in child-care programs. In addition, the course is expected to inspire students’ critical thinking spirit and to enhance their ability on research and development.
教材 組織領導學 Gary Yukl著 宋秋儀譯 華泰 Teaching Materials Leadership in Organizations 5e
組織領導學 Gary Yukl著 宋秋儀譯 華泰
成績評量方式 1.討論與互動(含LMS網路平台)︰10%
Grading 1.Discussion︰10%
3.Homework or paper︰10%
4.formative evaluations:30%
5.Do not absent over 4 times.
教學內容 本課程的教育目標在於使學生能具備行政領導與學校效能的知識,並能具備建立、維持及發展托育機構行政環境之能力。啟發學生批判思考的精神,進而具有研究發展的能力。 Syllabus The main purpose of this course is to enable students to have the knowledge on leadership styles and leadership effectiveness, and to have ability on building, maintaining, and developing the context of administration in child-care institution. In addition, the course is also expected to enlighten students’ critical thinking spirit and to promote their ability on research development.