朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Seminar on Philosophies of Early Childhood Education 幼教哲學思潮研究

當期課號 7728 Course Number 7728
授課教師 魏宗明 Instructor WEY,TZONG MING
中文課名 幼教哲學思潮研究 Course Name Seminar on Philosophies of Early Childhood Education
開課單位 幼兒保育系碩士在職專班二A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程的目標包括︰
Objectives The objectives of the course are:
1.To understand the relations between philosophy and early childhood education, and be able to apply this understanding to research and practice.
2.To understand the historical development of the philosophies of early childhood education in recent history, and its influence upon future development of early childhood education.
3.To develop one's beliefs about ideal early childhood education.
教材 Philosophy of Early Childhood Education
Sandy Farquhar, Peter Fitzsimons
ISBN: 978-1-4051-7404-6
120 pages
February 2008, Wiley-Blackwell
Teaching Materials Philosophy of Early Childhood Education
Sandy Farquhar, Peter Fitzsimons
ISBN: 978-1-4051-7404-6
120 pages
February 2008, Wiley-Blackwell
成績評量方式 Seminar:50%
Grading Seminar:50%
教學內容 Introduction: Sandy Farquhar (University of Aukland) and Peter Fitzsimons (University of Aukland).

1. Meetings Across the Paradigmatic Divide: Peter Moss (Institute of Education, University of London).

2. The Gift Paradigm in Early Childhood Education: Genevieve Vaughan (Austin, Texas) and Eila Estola (University of Oulu).

3. Conceptions of the Self in Early Childhood: Territorializing identities: Liselott Borgnon (Institute of Education, Stockholm).

4. Deconstructing and Transgressing the Theory – Practice dichotomy in early childhood education: Hillevi Lenz Taguchi (Institute of Education, Stockholm).

5. In Early Childhood: What's language about?: Liane Mozère.

6. The Politics of Processes and Products in Education: An early childhood metanarrative crisis?: Andrew Gibbons (New Zealand Tertiary College, Aukland).

7. (Re)Positioning the Child in the Policy/Politics of Early Childhood: Christine Woodrow (University of Western Sydney) and Frances Press (Charles Sturt University).
Syllabus Introduction: Sandy Farquhar (University of Aukland) and Peter Fitzsimons (University of Aukland).

1. Meetings Across the Paradigmatic Divide: Peter Moss (Institute of Education, University of London).

2. The Gift Paradigm in Early Childhood Education: Genevieve Vaughan (Austin, Texas) and Eila Estola (University of Oulu).

3. Conceptions of the Self in Early Childhood: Territorializing identities: Liselott Borgnon (Institute of Education, Stockholm).

4. Deconstructing and Transgressing the Theory – Practice dichotomy in early childhood education: Hillevi Lenz Taguchi (Institute of Education, Stockholm).

5. In Early Childhood: What's language about?: Liane Mozère.

6. The Politics of Processes and Products in Education: An early childhood metanarrative crisis?: Andrew Gibbons (New Zealand Tertiary College, Aukland).

7. (Re)Positioning the Child in the Policy/Politics of Early Childhood: Christine Woodrow (University of Western Sydney) and Frances Press (Charles Sturt University).