朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Seminar 專題討論

當期課號 7451 Course Number 7451
授課教師 魏清泉 Instructor WEI,CHING CHUAN
中文課名 專題討論 Course Name Seminar
開課單位 資訊與通訊系碩士班二A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 1 Credits 1
課程目標 經由專業論文的閱讀、討論、整理以及口頭報告,以提昇研究生專業能力、對問題了解的敏銳力、以及口頭報告的能力,並促使研究生對專業研究的興趣。 Objectives Through reading, discussing, summarization, and presentation of professional conference and journal papers, this couse aimed at expanding student's capability in both width and depth of their research, exploration of research issues, and oral presentation skills.
教材 some reading books, papers and self-designed materials. Teaching Materials some reading books, papers and self-designed materials.
成績評量方式 discussion 50% paper presentation 50% Grading discussion 50% paper presentation 50%
教學內容 本課程主要教授論文寫作之技巧,訓練清晰、簡潔之寫作表達。 Syllabus The course will train students with an English writing skill. The concise and clear expression is the main concern.