朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
System Simulation and Analysis in Building and Urban Sciences 建築及都市系統模擬與分析

當期課號 7284 Course Number 7284
授課教師 何友鋒 Instructor HO,YU FENG
中文課名 建築及都市系統模擬與分析 Course Name System Simulation and Analysis in Building and Urban Sciences
開課單位 建築及都市設計研究所碩士班一A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 1. 探討建築及都市系統分析及系統工程的理論與方法; 2. 學習建構建築及都市系統模擬模式; 3. 應用模式模擬建築及都市發展策略方案。 Objectives 1. to assist decisions on whether of not models is of value for building and urban planning and design. 2. to present examples of the models from which choices can be made.
教材 1.王小璘、莊金霖,1995,遊憩區土地使用目標規劃模式之研究,戶外遊憩研究,No.8(1),pp. 55-82,TSSCI。
2.王小璘,1999,都市公園綠量視覺評估之研究,設計學報,Vol.4, No.1, pp. 61-90, THCI。
3.王小璘、曾詠宜,2003,都市公園綠地區位景觀生態評估之研究,Vol.8, No.3, pp. 53-74, THCI。
6.何友鋒、盧晉科,1996,工程要徑目標規劃模式之研究,建築學報,No.17, pp. 61-81, TSSCI。
7.何友鋒、沈昀、吳垠,1998,餘嚮時間多目標規劃模式之研究,建築學報,No.25, pp. 31-43, TSSCI。
9.何友鋒,詹益源,1999,住宅維護管理超媒體資訊系統之建立,設計學報,Vol.4, No.2, pp. 19-40, THCI。
10.何友鋒、簡宇伶,2000,都市更新地區選定評估模式之研究-以台北市為例,朝陽設計學報,pp. 53-71。
11.何友鋒、王小璘、姚淑靜,2000,建築色彩計畫模糊綜合評估方法之研究,設計學報,Vol.5, No.2, pp. 11-34, THCI。
12.何友鋒、王小璘、陸建浩,2002,台中市都市永續發展系統動態模擬模式之研究,建築學報,No.41, pp. 107-128, TSSCI。
13.何友鋒、王樹嵩,2004,新竹科學城永續發展策略模擬與分析,設計學報,Vol.9, No.4, pp. 57-79, THCI。
14.何友鋒、辜建彰,2005,住宿建築節能設計決策模式之研究,建築學報,No.51, pp. 89-104, TSSCI。
15.何友鋒、陸建浩、沈永堂,2006,建築系高中職學生空間設計能力評量之研究,設計學報,Vol.11, No.2, pp.83-100, THCI。
16.何友鋒、陳惠玲,2007,都市健康住宅評估指標體系之研究,建築學報,No.60,pp.115-136, TSSCI。
17.倪世槐譯,Mcloughin, B.J著,1972,Urban & Regional Planning – A System Approach.
23.Broadbent, G., 1988, Design in Architecture – Architecture and the Human Sciences, John Wiley & Sons, pp.272-298.
24.Bahill, T., and Dean, F., 2003, What is Systems Engineering? A Consensus of Senior Systems Engineers, University of Arizona.
25.Catanese, A.J., 1972, Scientific Methods of Urban Analysis.
26.Dykstra, D.P.,1984, Mathematical Programming for Natural Resource Management, McGraw-Hill.
27.Foot, D., 2001, Operational Urban Models, Methuen
28.Friedman, Y., 1975, Toward a Scientific Architecture, MIT Press.
29.Ho, Y.F., 1992, Housing Planning Through Goal Programming Approach, Journal of Planning and Design, No.1, pp.21-35.
30.Radford, A.D., & Gero., 1988, Design By Optimization in Architecture, Building and Construction.
31.Wang, H.L., 1996, A Systematic Approach to Natural Recreational Resource Management, Socio-Econ, Plann, SCI, Vol.30, No.1, pp.39-49, SSCI.
Teaching Materials Self-selected teaching materials
成績評量方式 1.課堂作業40%
Grading 1.course work40%
2. project report50%
3.class contribution10%
教學內容 1.講述系統和系統工程的概念、系統工程方法論、以及系統工程與建築及都市發展的關係等。
Syllabus This course is concerned with techniques used in numerical analysis and operational research to represent real optimization problems as mathematical models to be solved try computer. Explaining how and when the modeling and numerical techniques can be applied, the course covers solutions of linear and non-linear equations, systems of linear and non-linear equations and mathematical modeling; linear and integer programming; goal and multiple objective programming and system dynamics.