朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Seminar (Ⅳ) 專題討論(四)

當期課號 7193 Course Number 7193
授課教師 賴龍山 Instructor LAI,LONG SHAN
中文課名 專題討論(四) Course Name Seminar (Ⅳ)
開課單位 應用化學系碩士班二A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 1 Credits 1
課程目標 本課程之目的在於協助同學在進行系上各位指導教授所指定的碩士論文研究工作,另一方面本課程也希望透過科學文獻之研讀能進一步開拓同學的視野與研究領域. Objectives This course is designed mainly to help the excution of master thesis of each student, assigned by your instructor. Through a satisfied report on one scientific paper is absolutely required to earn the credit. Besides, the course is also to broaden the research scope of each student.
教材 兩篇科學性文章之口頭報告,其中一篇與其研究主題相關,另一篇為其他同領域(例如分析)但非其研究主題相關之文章。 Teaching Materials Oral presentation on two scientific papers related to the master thesis of each student is required. One paper is selected by the student himself or herself; meanwhile, the other one is assigned by the instructor.
成績評量方式 學期成績的評量是依據:
Grading The course evaluation will be graded according to the performance of the following:
(1). questions raised when you are one of the audience
(2). oral report, including answering the questons raised when you are the speaker
教師網頁 cssheu@mail.cyut.edu.tw
教學內容 本課程之目的在於協助同學在進行系上各位指導教授所指定的碩士論文研究工作,另一方面本課程也希望透過科學文獻之研讀能進一步開拓同學的視野與研究領域. Syllabus This course is designed mainly to help the excution of master thesis of each student, assigned by your instructor. Through a satisfied report on one scientific paper is absolutely required to earn the credit. Besides, the course is also to broaden the research scope of each student.