朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Construction Productivity 營建生產力分析

當期課號 7135 Course Number 7135
授課教師 鄭道明 Instructor CHENG,TAO MING
中文課名 營建生產力分析 Course Name Construction Productivity
開課單位 營建工程系博士班一A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 工程進度規劃需要從各種資源(機械、材料、人員)之生產力分析先行著手方能有成,本課程即在教導各項生產力分析技術,其內容包括系統模擬、平衡線法、排隊理論、延遲模式等理論,研修者期末須以系統模擬理論實際驗證營建操作程序之生產力分析,並提出改善建議,以得學習成效 Objectives The objective of this course is to introduce concepts that from the basis for a scientific or analytical approach to the subject area of design and evaluation of productive processes as they are encountered in construction. CYCLONE modeling system will be the main techniques introduced in this course. Supporting techniques such as queuing theory and lone-of-balance methods are presented to provide a background to the student of quantitative modeling methods.
教材 Halpin, D. W. and Riggs, L. S. (1992). Planning and Analysis of Construction Operations, Wiley, New York.
鄭道明 (2001). 營建操作電腦模擬-理論與實務, 朝陽科技大學,台中.
Teaching Materials Halpin, D. W. and Riggs, L. S. (1992). Planning and Analysis of Construction Operations, Wiley, New York.
成績評量方式 考試40%
Grading Quizzes 20 points
Final Exam. 20 points
HW Assignments 40 points
Term Project 20 points
教師網頁 www.cyut.edu.tw/~tmcheng
教學內容 本課程主要教授以電腦模擬方法,分析營建作業流程之生產力,並探討營建資源組合對系統生產力的影響.授課內容主要包括模擬方法,作業時間的估計,資源組合最佳解的尋找. Syllabus The purposes of this course are (1) to provide students with the basic concept of computer simulation; and (2) to discuess simulation methods that have been devised specially for the design and analysis of construction operation.