朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
General population-specific study of leisure sports 特定人口運動休閒綜合研究

當期課號 7106 Course Number 7106
授課教師 張君如 Instructor CHANG,CHUN JU
中文課名 特定人口運動休閒綜合研究 Course Name General population-specific study of leisure sports
開課單位 休閒事業管理系碩士班二A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 1.培養學生對國內外相關學術期刊文獻的閱讀、摘要與彙整能力。
Objectives 1.Developing students’ summary and compilation abilities for studying selected research papers and journal articles in domestic and foreign.
2.Developing students’ statistics and analysis abilities through operating the SPSS software.
3.Developing students’ writing skills and pushing them to publish their own research papers.
教材 國內外相關期刊文獻與研究報告及網路資源應用。 Teaching Materials Selected research papers and journal articles in domestic and foreign.
成績評量方式 1.平時成績:30%
Grading 1.Class participation:30%
2.Innovative critics of journal articles:35%
3.Seminar & Reports:35%
教學內容 介紹導讀國內外特定人口運動休閒相關期刊文獻搜尋、摘要、彙整、研讀、討論與最新研究趨勢,進而培養其文獻探討能力。 Syllabus Teaching students how to search journal articles through the internet and how to summarize, study, and to make comments on those articles. Then the goal is to help students develop their ability to review literature on general population-specific study of leisure sports.