朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Advanced Business English 進階商用英文

當期課號 7081 Course Number 7081
授課教師 張淳堅 Instructor CHANG,CHUN CHIEN
中文課名 進階商用英文 Course Name Advanced Business English
開課單位 會計系碩士班一A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 0 Credits 0
課程目標 本課程旨在發展學生管理相關英文溝通技巧,增強以職場為導向之英文溝通能力。 課程著重於聽、說、讀、寫之英語文進階訓練,面對職場國際化,減少跨國溝通之障礙,增強學生就業競爭力。本課程內容包含商業英文書報閱讀,以增進學生聆聽及了解熱門時事議題之能力,增加相關字彙之了解,模擬實際職場之語文訓練,並訓練學生對於國際職場英文能力測驗TOEIC之實際應考技巧。 Objectives This course aims to develop advance English communication skills needed by those preparing for, or who are already in, a business or management position. This course is designed to bring the real world of international business into the languages teaching classroom. Throughout the course students are encouraged to use their own experience and opinions in order to maximize involvement and learning. This course also provides excellent practice for major Business English examinations such as TOEIC.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
1.Appropriately use business related vocabulary and concepts necessary for success in further study or the workplace.
2.Gain the necessary language skills to function within an English-speaking business environment.
3.Speak with increased confidence in business or other meetings.
4.Pass a satisfactory score in TOEIC.
教材 To be determined after evaluating students' proficiency in English at the beginning of semester.
Teaching Materials To be determined after evaluating students' proficiency in English at the beginning of semester.
成績評量方式 課堂參與 30%
考試 30%
作業 40%
Grading Class participation 30%
Exams 30%
Homeworks 40%
教學內容 除了注重理論與實務的配合,並將商用英文常用的文法予以有系統的複習 Syllabus To prepare the students with knowledge and skills of communication necessary in English speaking environments.