朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Special Topics of Insurance Operations 保險業經營專題

當期課號 7061 Course Number 7061
授課教師 蘇文斌 Instructor SU,WEN PIN
中文課名 保險業經營專題 Course Name Special Topics of Insurance Operations
開課單位 保險金融管理系碩士班一A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 1. 學生可以暸解及研究保險公司運作過程的相關知識
2. 使學生能應用管理技能於企業實務與個人生活
3. 培養極積主動之工作態度
4. 就業核心力
Objectives 1. Students to have knowledge of how insurance insurance operate.
2. Enabling students to apply management skills in business practice and personal life.
3. Fostering active and proactive working attitudes.
4. Employment core ability.
教材 自編講義 Teaching Materials From edits the printed lecture
成績評量方式 1.期中考:30﹪ 2.期末考:40﹪ 3.平常討論:30﹪ Grading 1.Midterm:30﹪ 2.Final report:40﹪ 3.Discuss:30﹪
教學內容 授課內容從保險業實務研討展開,從產品設計、展業行銷、行政管理、投資等保險四大支柱談起,再藉由實務的專題研討,使同學在壽險經營方面除理論的了解外,更深一層了解保險經營之內涵,同時讓同學對保險經營之相關問題能獨立思考、判斷。 Syllabus First: Introduce the major department of life insurance company, including actuarial, marketing, administration and investment. Second: Introduce the variable life or annuity product, accounting principle, new marketing channel, Risk Basic Capital system