朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Customer Relationship Management Research 顧客關係管理研究

當期課號 7048 Course Number 7048
授課教師 徐茂練 Instructor SHYU,MAW LIANN
中文課名 顧客關係管理研究 Course Name Customer Relationship Management Research
開課單位 企業管理系碩士班二A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程主要目的是了解企業應該如何與顧客之互動,方能獲得顧客的滿意及忠誠回應而產生終身價值,進而提昇企業獲利。企業欲與顧客有效互動,需要有良好的目標、流程、工具及服務介面等元件,本課程探討企業如何有效規劃及設計這些元件,以便做好顧客關係管理(CRM)。(本課程屬於就業學程之科目,課程目標包含提昇同學就業能力)。 Objectives The purpose of this cause is to understand how the business interact with their customers. The effectiveness of customer interaction can make the customer satisfied and loyal, and established life cycle relationship with the business. The components of customer relationship management(CRM) include objective, service, tools, and, service encounter. The planning and design of these components will be discussed in our course.
教材 徐茂練(民96),顧客關係管理,三版,台北縣土城市:全華圖書。
Teaching Materials Shyu, Maw-Liann(2007), Customer Relationship Management, 3rd ed, OpenTech (in Chinese)
6 CRM Literatures
成績評量方式 課堂討論30%,
Grading Discussion topics: 30%,
Literature Report: 30%,
Final report: 40%
教學內容 本課程主要目的是了解企業應該如何與顧客之互動,方能獲得顧客的滿意及忠誠回應而產生終身價值,進而提昇企業獲利。企業欲與顧客有效互動,需要有良好的目標、流程、工具及服務介面等元件,本課程探討企業如何有效規劃及設計這些元件,以便做好顧客關係管理(CRM)。 Syllabus The purpose of this couse is to understand how the business interact with their customers. The effectiveness of customer interaction can make the customer satisfied and loyal, and established life cycle relationahip with the business. The components of customer relationship management(CRM) include objective, service, tools, and, service encounter. The planning and design of these components eill be discussed in our course.