朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Consumer Behavior Research 消費者行為研究

當期課號 7042 Course Number 7042
授課教師 黃文星 Instructor HUANG,WEN HSIN
中文課名 消費者行為研究 Course Name Consumer Behavior Research
開課單位 企業管理系碩士班一A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本學科為行銷管理領域之課程之一.為以需求面導入行銷領域.行銷管理顧客面日漸受重視.修行此課程學生可以明暸.消費者之行為並以實務研討.且提供有關論文之撰寫方向提升研究興。主要內容如下:1.消費者環境分析2.消費者決策過程3.消費者與文化4.消費者與次文化5.消費者態度決策模型。 Objectives This course covers the major research topics of consumer behavior. It provides an assessment of the consumer behavior filed. Topics include: consumer in the marketplace, consumers as individuals, consumers as decision makers, consumers and subculture, consumers and culture, consumers decision process. (3 credit hours)
教材 Consumer Behavior,作者:Hawkins, Best and Coney
Teaching Materials Consumer Behavior,作者:Hawkins, Best and Coney
成績評量方式 學期考 50%
期末報告 50%
Grading Final exam 50%
Term paper 50%
教學內容 本課程內容主要在探討消費者的決策過程,其中包括影響購買決策的內、外在因素,以及購買後的使用反應(滿意程度以及再購意願)。其中,在內在因素方面,包括了動機、態度、知覺以及生活形態等。至於外在因素部分,主要則包括家庭、社會、文化以及情境因素等,至於在消費者決策過程中,則包含了五個步驟。透過各種理論與實務案例的結合,期使同學得以完整地瞭解消費者的消費決策。 Syllabus This subject introduces the process of consumer buying behavior,including the inner and outer factors.The inner factors include motivation, attitude, perception and lifestyle. The outer factors include families,society,culture and situational influences.With the combination of the theory and empirical examples,the students can fully understand the buying decision .