朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Principle of Business Administration 企業管理學概論

當期課號 3600 Course Number 3600
授課教師 呂國松 Instructor LU,KUO SONG
中文課名 企業管理學概論 Course Name Principle of Business Administration
開課單位 老人服務事業管理系(四進)一A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 探討1. 企業類型,2. 企業各職能部門之運作與管理,3. 規劃、組織、用人、領導與控制之管理理論與技術,企業經營環境對企業策略衝擊, 決策形成, 行銷策略, 競爭動態 ,併購與重整策略, 國際化策略, 策略運用, 組織結構與控制, 策略領導 ,企業精神與創新. Objectives Bussiness enviornment impact , policies making , marketing strategy , competitiveness dynamic , acqusition and restruction strategies , internatioal strategies , strategy implementation , organization and controls , strategic leadership , corporate entrepreneurship and innovation .
教材 林建煌譯,2009現代管理學 (Robbins/ Fundamentals of Management 6/e) ,六版,台北:華泰文化 Teaching Materials Robbins/ Fundamentals of Management: Essential Concepts and Applications 6/e.
成績評量方式 課堂表現 20%
分組報告 20%
期中考 30%
期末考 20%
隨堂抽考 10%
Grading Class performance 20%
Group report 20%
Mid-term test 30%
Final test 20%
mid-course test 10%
教學內容 在當今的全球化社會中,一位對於管理知識的追求者最需要瞭解的即是"物競天擇,適者生存"的全球視野概念。
Syllabus It's an international society today.So it's a worldwide vision concept about "survival of the fittest "for all managers.
Based on this course named fundamental of business administration, it meaned this course act threshold or cornerstone. Therefore it will make use of the authority textbook of Robbins. This textbook cited and combined many theory and practicement to provide reference.And it lead the student to get into managerial world easily.