朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Research in Marketing and Raises funds 行銷與募款專題研究

當期課號 3582 Course Number 3582
授課教師 謝儒賢 Instructor HSIEH,RU SHIAN
中文課名 行銷與募款專題研究 Course Name Research in Marketing and Raises funds
開課單位 社會工作系(四進)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程將整合理論與實務,並以實際募款案例帶引同學將專業知識實際操作於實務工作上,以讓同學能學以致用,在修完此課程後能撰寫與操作專業募款方案。 Objectives This curriculum the conformity theory and the solid service, and to the reality raises funds the case to lead the schoolmate to work specialized knowledge actual operation Yu Shihwu on, enables the schoolmate to study for the purpose of application, after repairs this curriculum to be able specialized to compose the AND-OPERATION to raise funds the plan.
教材 1.Norton M.(1996).The worldwide fundraiser's handbook: A guide to fundraising for southern NGOs and voluntary organization.London: Directory of Social Change in association with the International Fund Raising Group.
2.Roberts,T.(1999).The funding revolution: New routes to project fundraising.London:Falmer Press.
Teaching Materials 1.Norton M.(1996).The worldwide fundraiser's handbook: A guide to fundraising for southern NGOs and voluntary organization.London: Directory of Social Change in association with the International Fund Raising Group.
2.Roberts,T.(1999).The funding revolution: New routes to project fundraising.London:Falmer Press.
成績評量方式 1.課程參與30%
Grading 1.to participate in discussion in the classroom
2.the mid-term exam
3.the final report
教師網頁 http://www.cyut.edu.tw/~swdept/cmain.htm
教學內容 社會福利機構或非營利組織處在資源不穩定的環境中運作,因此組織需持續性的從事勸募工作。然而募款是有一些原理原則可以遵循或加以運用的,事實上,募款是一種「交換過程」,組織用什麼樣的價值跟別人交換?但是在募款的過程中,一般人只看到募款外顯行為這個部份,而鮮少思考組織為什麼要募款這個層次的議題。因此,在談募款時,應先問「組織為什麼需要募款」?募款的目的為何?職是之故,本課程將整合理論與實務,並以實際募款案例帶引同學將專業知識實際操作於實務工作上,以讓同學能學以致用,在修完此課程後能撰寫與操作專業募款方案。 Syllabus Every non-profit organization needs money to survive- to meet project cost and develop program for the future, to pay the wages and salaries of its straff and all the office, to keep buildings and vehicles in a good state of repair and to pay for new equipment.Therefore,how to attract resources is extremely important componentto nonprofit organizations.For that reason,this course will help students to develop their ability to fundraising in order to meet the challenges of the future.