朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Introdution to Social Work 社會工作概論

當期課號 3559 Course Number 3559
授課教師 郭世豐 Instructor KUO,SHIH FONG
中文課名 社會工作概論 Course Name Introdution to Social Work
開課單位 社會工作系(四進)一A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 藉由課程與活動,協助同學認識社會工作、對社會工作方法與實務有一初步之瞭解,從而對社會工作發展出整體性之概念並產生興趣與肯定,以作為未來修習其他社工相關課程之基礎。 Objectives The purpose of this course is to introduce the basic concepts, theories, and methods in social work. Via instruction, discussion, and activities, students can build up the whole picture about social work, develop the interest in this field and make commit
教材 曾華源、高迪理主編(2007)。社會工作概論-成為一位改變者。台北:洪葉出版社。
Teaching Materials 曾華源、高迪理主編(2007)。社會工作概論-成為一位改變者。台北:洪葉出版社。
成績評量方式 1.上課出席情形及發言 10%
2.個人作業 30%
3.期中考 30%
4.期末考 30%
Grading attendance 10%
paper 30%
middle exam 30%
final exam 30%
教學內容 本課程是社會工作系的基礎課程,主要是介紹社會工作專業的起源與發展,使學生對社會工作專業有基本的認識。課程內容有︰介紹社會工作的實施領域,包括兒童福利工作、青少年福利工作、老人福利工作、婦女福利工作、身心障礙福利工作等等。 Syllabus Introduction to Social Work is the fundamental course of Social Work. It mainly describes the origin and development of Social Work Profession to let students have a basic understanding of Social Work Profession. It includes social work’s nature, philosophical foundations, value systems, basic knowledge and methods. In addition, it further introduces the practice fields of social work such as Child Services, Adolescent Services, Elderly Services, Women Services, and Social Services for the Handicapped.