朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Career Planning 生涯規劃

當期課號 3518 Course Number 3518
授課教師 曹俊德 Instructor TSAO,JUN DE
中文課名 生涯規劃 Course Name Career Planning
開課單位 幼兒保育系(四進)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 協助幼兒教保人員瞭解幼教生涯規劃的實質意義,探討生涯中的人生主題,並提供自我探索的機會,使學生瞭解自己的特質及需求,進而建構一個現實與理想兼顧的人生目標,踏實地面對自己的幼教職涯生活並追求自己的夢想 Objectives To assist students in understanding the meaning of young children's education career and career planning and accomplishing their career goals. First, to help students assesment their personality,ablity and values for enhancing self-awareness ,and to discuss the issues of career. Finally, students could have their own dreams and pursue their dreams for the meaning of their life.
教材 1. 吳芝儀(民91)。生涯探索與規劃。嘉義:濤石文化。
2 吳思達(2005)。生涯規劃與管理。全華科技圖書公司。
3. 江文雄、江義平、林秀玉(2005)。生涯發展與規劃。全華科技圖書公司。
4. 洪鳳儀(民89)。生涯規劃。台北:揚智文化。
5. 洪鳳儀(2001)。生涯規劃自己來。台北:揚智書局。
6. 林幸台,林恭煌,許永昌(2001)。生涯規劃。台北:三民書局。
7. 林清文(民89)。 大學生生涯發展與規劃手冊,台北:心理出版社
8. 天下雜誌(2006)。新挑戰 大學競爭力總體檢。天下雜誌,360,P.38-55,P.76-88。
9. 天下雜誌(2006)。新趨勢 大學實力即國力。天下雜誌,360,P.124-135。
10. 天下雜誌(2006)。我的過去,你的未來。天下雜誌,360,P.304-388
11.全人發展取向生涯發展網路教學網 http://career.heart.net.tw/
Teaching Materials A syllabus will be handed out to the students at the beginning of the class
成績評量方式 1.討論與互動(含LMS網路平台)︰10%
Grading 1.Discussion︰10%
3.Homework or paper︰10%
4.formative evaluations:30%
5.Do not absent over 4 times.
教學內容 協助幼兒教保人員瞭解幼教生涯規劃的實質意義,探討生涯中的人生主題,並提供自我探索的機會,使學生瞭解自己的特質及需求,進而建構一個現實與理想兼顧的人生目標,踏實地面對自己的幼教職涯生活並追求自己的夢想 Syllabus To assist students in understanding the meaning of young children's education career and career planning and accomplishing their career goals. First, to help students assesment their personality,ablity and values for enhancing self-awareness ,and to discuss the issues of career. Finally, students could have their own dreams and pursue their dreams for the meaning of their life.