朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Practicum in Early Childhood Education and Care (I) 嬰幼兒教保實習(一)

當期課號 3514 Course Number 3514
授課教師 劉冷琴 Instructor LIU,LENG CHIN
中文課名 嬰幼兒教保實習(一) Course Name Practicum in Early Childhood Education and Care (I)
開課單位 幼兒保育系(四進)三A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程透過實際的參觀、課堂上的討論及心得分享,幫助同學充實幼教知識,熟悉職場上所需之技能,體認專業職責與倫理、啟發專業志趣 Objectives The course helps students enrich their knowledge about early childhood education, sharpen their skills in early child care, and cultivate their professionalism and ethics as a professional in early childhood education, through visits to early childhood education and care programs, group discussion, and experience sharing.
教材 參觀之幼托園所 Teaching Materials 參觀之幼托園所
成績評量方式 出席:20% 討論:20% 作業:40% 小組工作表現20% Grading Attendance 20% ; discussion:20%; assignment 40%; work in group 20%
教學內容 1. 透過參觀多種與幼保相關之產業機構,了解未來出路與工作可能性。 2. 藉由討論與省思,體察幼保實務之內涵,研擬自己的努力方向。 3. 藉由實務與理論之對照,思考二者的連結困難與解決之道。課程內容: 1. 參觀:本課程共安排參觀四至五個機構,皆全班齊行。參觀時間均為週二上午,交通方式自行處理。 2. 討論:每參觀完兩次,即於原上課時間進行討論,討論過程由同學分組負責主持,老師從旁協助與輔導。 3. 作業:每一次上討論課時,需繳交前兩次參觀作業,不得遲交,遲交者以0分計。作業內容需符合教師要求。負責小組於參觀後兩週內繳交資料夾。 Syllabus 1. To visit different types of early educationa and care institutions 2. To understand the real world of early childhood edcuation and care and what they need to equip themselves. 3. To construct the solutions for problems they found through visiting institutions.