朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Introduction to Liguistics II 語言學概論(二)

當期課號 3471 Course Number 3471
授課教師 林修旭 Instructor LIN,HSIU HSU
中文課名 語言學概論(二) Course Name Introduction to Liguistics II
開課單位 應用外語系(四進)一A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程為現代語言學的導論課程。旨在使學生了解並運用現代語言學的理論與研究方法。本學期研究領域包括: 1) 語言習得; 2) 語言處理; 3)社會語言學; 4) 歷史語言學; 5) 書寫系統。課程結束後,學生已具備語言學各次領域的知識,可修習其他語言學相關的進階課程。 Objectives This introductory course provides an overview of Linguistics. It introduces principles and methods professional linguists employ in exploring human language. It is designed to be a first course in linguistics, meaning that no prior knowledge of it is assumed. The second semester course covers topics such as: 1) language acquisition, 2) language processing, 3) sociolinguistics, 4) historical linguistics, and 5) writing systems. The students will be equipped with sufficient knowledge for advanced and specialized courses in both linguistics and other fields that require knowledge in linguistics.
教材 [Required] Yule, George. 1996. The Study of Language: An Introduction (2nd edition). NY: Cambridge University Press.

Fromkin, V. et al. 2003. An Introduction to Language. (7th Ed.)
Teaching Materials [Required] Yule, George. 1996. The Study of Language: An Introduction (2nd edition). NY: Cambridge University Press.

Fromkin, V. et al. 2003. An Introduction to Language. (7th Ed.)
成績評量方式 課堂參與(30%)
期中考 (30%)
期末考 (40%)
Grading Participation & Quizzes (30%)
Midterm (30%)
Final (40%)
教學內容 本課為現代語言學的導論課程。旨在使學生了解並運用現代語言學的理論與研究方法。本學期研究領域包括: 1) 語言習得; 2) 語言處理; 3)社會語言學; 4) 歷史語言學; 5) 書寫系統。 Syllabus This introductory course provides an overview of Linguistics. It introduces principles and methods professional linguists employ in exploring human language. It is designed to be a first course in linguistics, meaning that no prior knowledge of it is assumed for its students. Topics to be covered in this semester course include: 1) language acquisition(first and second language acquisition, 2) language processing, 3) society and language, 4) historical linguistics, 5) writing systems.