朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Word Processing 電腦文書處理

當期課號 3470 Course Number 3470
授課教師 林修旭 Instructor LIN,HSIU HSU
中文課名 電腦文書處理 Course Name Word Processing
開課單位 應用外語系(四進)一A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程旨在培養學生文書處理觀念以及使用排版軟體處理各種文書之技能,俾能達成獨立執行專案編輯事務之能力。本課程將訓練學生同時具備傳統與線上出版之能力與知識,進而作為跨入進階文書排版、出版的基礎。 Objectives The course aims at acquainting students with upgraded application of the MS-OFFICE package such as the use of FIELDS and STYLES and the design of a template document for a long document editing such as that of a book. It aims at the students’ capability of traditional as well as on-line publishing by the time they finish the course.
教材 各軟體操作手冊

教師講議; 相關網站資源介紹。
Teaching Materials Software manuals;
Open Sources;
成績評量方式 平時成績/課堂參與(20%)
Grading Participation(20%)
Midterm (40%)
Final(40%)[Late assignments and/or pirated works will NOT be graded!]
教學內容 培養學生使用MS-OFFICE中排版軟體WORD以及簡報軟體POWERPOINT的進階功能的使用與運用,以達成執行專案編輯任務的要求。網路部分將介紹Google Docs 多人編寫的協同編輯技能與知識,使學生具備線上出版的能力與知識,以熟悉雲端計算的相關運用。 Syllabus The course aims at acquainting students with
upgraded application of the MS-OFFICE package
such as the use of FIELDS and STYLES and the
design of a template document for a long
document editing such as that of a book. It is also hoped that the students will be capable of
on-line publishing by the time they finish the course.