朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
English Oral Training II 英語口語訓練(二)

當期課號 3441 Course Number 3441
授課教師 蔣幸霏 Instructor CHIANG,NANCY MARIA
中文課名 英語口語訓練(二) Course Name English Oral Training II
開課單位 應用外語系(二進)三A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 為了加強學生的口語及溝通技巧,學生應養成良好的學習態度及基本原理。
課程循序漸進每個單元大約上1-3週, 課程內容如下
1. 英語發音技巧(學期內持續練習並定期測試)
2. 進階文法與應用(動詞時態,連綴動詞)
3. 建立字彙及有關世界方面知識(進階)- 有關文化及旅遊等
4. 建立理解及相關知識(進階)- 用小說等題材來加強學生對英文的了解
Objectives Students should develop good study habits and learn fundamental elements in order to enhance their oral & communication skills.
All instructions are given in English. Teaching and learning materials should be made as authentic as possible (may be multi-media based). Drilling and repetition exercises are still necessary for students of this level. Lessons are progressive in nature and each topic usually lasts about 1-3 weeks according & including the following:
1.Pronunciation & speaking skills.
2.Grammar application
3.Vocabulary & knowledge about world building
4.Comprehension and knowledge building
教材 隨堂講義 Teaching Materials Authentic materials
成績評量方式 ** 缺席三次以上,本學期成績予以不及格計算。

課堂參與: 20%
個人演說: 40%
小組企劃: 40%
Grading ** Attendance at 80% of lectures is necessary to pass the course.

Class Participation: 20%
Presentation: (Oral): 20%
(Written): 20%
Group Project: (Oral): 20%
(Wriitn): 20%
教學內容 1. 利用生活化的教材創造全英語情境
2. 溝通式教學:以當代社會議題為主軸,由淺入深,做不同形式的口語表達。
3. 課內外活動包含小組討論、演講、與角色扮演等。
Syllabus 1. Authentic Materials will be applied to create the whole-language senses.
2. Contemporary social issues are discussed in the English-language classroom.
3. The course will be presented through group discussion, individual presentation, dialogs and role plays.