朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Interpersonal Communication 人際溝通

當期課號 3413 Course Number 3413
授課教師 張祐銘 Instructor CHANG,YU MING
中文課名 人際溝通 Course Name Interpersonal Communication
開課單位 傳播藝術系(四進)一A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 教學目標:
1. (知識) 使學生了解人際關係與溝通之過程與原理
2. (技能) 具有解決日常生活、工作與其他環境中人際互動與問題之能力
3. (態度) 使學生具備與他人圓熟相處之態度
4. (其他) 能了解人際溝通在現代社會中的重要性
Objectives 1. Understand the process and principle of interpersonal communication (knowledge) 2. Understand and apply skills that will improve the quality of interpersonal communication and interpersonal relationships (skills) 3. Improve ability to get along with others (development) 4. Increase awareness of the importance of interpersonal communication (other)
教材 1.王以仁(2007),人際關係與溝通,臺北:心理。
Teaching Materials 1.Interpersonal Relations and Communication.
2.Interpersonal Relations and Communication skill.
3.Theory and Practice of Interpersonal Relations.
4.Interpersonal Relations and Communication.
5.Interpersonal Relations and Communication.Yang-Chih Book Co.
成績評量方式 期中考 20%
期末考 20%
期末報告(口頭與書面) 20%
課堂表現(含出席次數) 40%
Grading Mind Term Exam 20%
Final Exam 20%
Reports 20%
Participation 40%
教學內容 1.人際溝通的基礎(如語言、非語言溝通)
Syllabus 1.The foundation of Interpersonal Communication,ex language and nonverbal communication.
2.Practical Interpersonal Relations and Communication.
3.Interpersonal conflict to solve.