朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Topics in the Humanities & Social Sciences 人文社會科學專題

當期課號 3398 Course Number 3398
授課教師 洪伯毅 Instructor HUNG,PO YI
中文課名 人文社會科學專題 Course Name Topics in the Humanities & Social Sciences
開課單位 人文暨社會學院(四進) Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 為了增加學生社會人文科學之素養,增加知識之廣度,每週邀請一位人文社會科 學領域之專家學者進行演講。 Objectives The course is designed to provide students with broader knowledge in the field of humanities and social sciences. A well-known scholar is invited each week to give lectures in his or her specialized field.
教材 由專業講師依照課程給予教材。 Teaching Materials Hangouts from the instructors.
成績評量方式 To be announced (TBA)! Grading TBA!
教學內容 本課程提供應外系學生二個方向運用所學: 專業實習與專題製作。

Syllabus The course is to
-explore a broad career area for students to learn something more specific.

-develop new professional knowledge for students.

-enhance students' skills needed in today's workplace, such as teamwork and cooperation.

-provide opportunities to see how what
students have learned in class is used in the world of work.