朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Drawing 素描

當期課號 3365 Course Number 3365
授課教師 陳崑鋒 Instructor KUN,FENG CHEN
中文課名 素描 Course Name Drawing
開課單位 視覺傳達設計系(四進)一A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 1、培養觀察力、表現力,與激發想像力,以作為視覺創作之基礎
Objectives The major purpose of this program is drawing and sketch training. Students have to practice the skills of pencil or charcoal drawing, still life, landscape, figure or nude, and try how to present their concept and idea on the papers. They will build the basic graphic concept, such as lighting, darkness, contrast, tone, shape and form, perspective, so as to enhance the creativity of graphic design.
教材 綜合素材、石膏像、靜物等。相關藝術作品幻燈片、錄影帶。 Teaching Materials 綜合素材、石膏像、靜物等。相關藝術作品幻燈片、錄影帶。
成績評量方式 平時作業(包括學習態度)-40%,期中作業-30%,期末作業-30% Grading regular assigment(including learning attitude)-40%,Mid-term-30%,Final-30%
教學內容 經由素描練習、創作以培養並加強學生觀察力及表現力,運用不同表現媒材,激發其想像力,加強視覺創作基礎。
Syllabus To cultivate student’s sense of observation through drawing plastic-models and stills, and to improve their ability in Drawing discipline, strengthening student's basic knowledge in Visual Art.Realistic object and scenery drawing, using various tools such as pencil and charcoal, etc., stress structural mastery. Thematic practices covering realistic and creative skills emphasize the ability of visual expression.