朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Design Aesthetics 設計美學

當期課號 3327 Course Number 3327
授課教師 林登立 Instructor LIN,TENG LI
中文課名 設計美學 Course Name Design Aesthetics
開課單位 工業設計系(四進)一A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程旨在培養學生美的評審能力,期使學生能辨識美的事物的本質或特性,及瞭解人們如何感知事物之美,進而增長美感的設計能力。 Objectives This course intends to build up students’ competence in aesthetic judgment. It is expected that the students will be able to identify the nature and properties of the aesthetic artifacts and livings, and to understand how people may sense the aesthetics in things. Finally, this course attempt to increase their esthetic design capacity.
教材 詹偉雄著,<美學經驗>,藍鯨出版社,台北,2005
Teaching Materials 詹偉雄著,<美學經驗>,藍鯨出版社,台北,2005
成績評量方式 1. 期中報告:分組報告,電子檔及口頭報告。(40﹪)
2. 期末報告:分組報告,電子檔及口頭報告。(40﹪)
3. 期末考(20﹪)
Grading 1.Report.
2.Mid-Term Presentation.
3.Final Exam.
教學內容 美感已經成為目前工作場所一種流行的辭彙。而審美與創造美的能力,對於設計工作者而言,更是一項基本能力。透過課程,介紹美的理論,以及從使用的美感到價值的美感。 Syllabus The English title of this course is "Product Aestherics" It seems that no one may need to understand the content of this course, so I exempt myself from translating the syllabus into English. Any one who may be interested in this course, please contact me, lintengli@hotmail.com.