朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Visual Communication Design 視覺傳達設計

當期課號 3326 Course Number 3326
授課教師 廖琇蓁 Instructor LIAO,HSIU CHEN
中文課名 視覺傳達設計 Course Name Visual Communication Design
開課單位 工業設計系(四進)一A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 了解視覺文化的歷史,視覺認識的基礎架構,以及個體如何進行視覺知覺的處理,訓練使用視覺代替語言來溝通,利用人們週遭環境的資料來構成影響人類視覺,進而影響心裡狀態,便愈能以設計專業來促進視覺傳達。 Objectives In order to promote the vision to transmit by designing the specialty, it is important to understand the history of vision culture, to infrastructure the vision development, how the individual carries on the treatment of the vision consciousness, and to train the uses the vision to replace languages to communicate. Because they influence human visions to make use of materials of people's surrounding area environment to form, and then influence the state in the heart.
教材 INSIDE OUTSIDE, 設計的表裡,臉譜出版社

Card Design 給設計師的名片、卡片設計典photoshop+illustrator設計與技術點子,博碩文化
Teaching Materials INSIDE OUTSIDE.Taiwan: 臉譜出版社.

Card Design.Taiwan,博碩文化
成績評量方式 平時(40%)、期中(30%)、期末(30%),平時含出席率(10%),作業需於繳交日當堂課下課前繳交,遲交者自交作業日起每週扣20分, 以此類推. Grading Homework(40%), Midterm(30%),Final(30%)
教學內容 1.教材教授解析
Syllabus 1. Textbook illustration.
2. Computer software Practice.
3. Work performance training.
4. Work discussion and analyzing.