朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Basic Design (2) 基本設計(二)

當期課號 3321 Course Number 3321
授課教師 林運徵 Instructor LIN,YUN CHEN
中文課名 基本設計(二) Course Name Basic Design (2)
開課單位 工業設計系(四進)一A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程在於訓練同學之對於三維空間中動態結構能力,目的在於使同學了能如何產生解決問題的方法,並藉由習作使學生能了解基本之設計觀念。 Objectives The purpose of this course focuses on the trainning of the kinetic mechanism in 3D space. The goal is to create design solutions that can demonstrate the design knowledge in active mechanism with respect to changing individual, social and environmental needs.
教材 自編教材/ Teaching Materials Self-Compiled Teaching Materials
成績評量方式 設計作品呈現及成果報告書 Grading Design Project Presentation and Project Paper
教學內容 1. 培養學生對點、線、面、空間、材質、顏色、比例、造型之基本設計思考方式
2. 加強設計計法及判斷與修正造型之思考能力
Syllabus 1. To develop students' thinking pattern in terms of point, line, surface, space, material, color, porportion and form.
2. To improve thinking ability in terms of design technique, judgement and form revision.