朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Computer Graphics 電腦圖學

當期課號 3281 Course Number 3281
授課教師 陳敬儒 Instructor CHEN,CHING JU
中文課名 電腦圖學 Course Name Computer Graphics
開課單位 工業工程與管理系(四進)一A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 正確使用軟體工具繪製高品質圖面資料乃為當今所有工程科系學生之必備基礎能力。然而根據圖面內容之本質,電腦塑圖可概分為2D線圖及3D模型,兩者皆有更高階功能之應用。例如工程設計、工程讀圖、工作簡報、以及研究報告之製作等。本課程即教導學生學習使用幾何知識以圖示意,並學習以套裝繪圖軟體製作圖面資料。 Objectives It is essential today for all engineering students to be equipped with computer drafting abilities. The computer-generated 2D drawings and 3D models can be used in many advanced applications, such as engineering designs, design reading, task briefings, and research studies. This course will provide instructions on practicing geometry for graphical presentations, and on using commercial drafting packages.
教材 AutoCAD 2008,學貫 Teaching Materials AutoCAD 2008 user manual.
成績評量方式 期中考30%,期末考30%,平時作業及出席49% Grading midterm 30% final exam 30% homework 30% others 10%
教學內容 講解工程圖學之基本概念,並輔以電腦輔助設計及繪圖軟體(AutoCAD)進行工程圖面繪製 Syllabus Teach students to understand how to read and draw engineering drafting, and operate CAD software to draw and design engineering drafting.