朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Business Calculus 商用微積分

當期課號 3227 Course Number 3227
授課教師 陳信帆 Instructor CHEN,HSIN FAN
中文課名 商用微積分 Course Name Business Calculus
開課單位 行銷與流通管理系(四進)一A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 1. 具備邏輯推理之思考與解決行銷與流通管理問題能力
2. 建立數理基礎並應用在行銷與流通管理專業領域
3. 訓練邏輯思考與解題技巧之能力
4. 統計、數理基礎與電腦使用能力並應用在行銷、流通與連鎖企業管理領域
Objectives 1. To have the logical reasoning thinking and problem solving ability applying in Marketing and Logistics Management (Skill)
2. To establish the mathematical foundation and then apply in Marketing and Logistics Management professional field (Knowledge)
3. To train the logical reasoning thinking and problem solving ability (Skill)
4. To obtain the statistics, mathematical foundation, and computer-used ability to be able to apply in marketing, logistics, and chain enterprises management domain (Core Competency)
教材 商用微積分教材待公布。 Teaching Materials Textbook--To be announced.
成績評量方式 1.上課參與(出席率)(20%)
2.小考與作業 (30%)
3.期中考 (25%)
4.期末考 (25%)
Grading 1.Participation :20%
2.Quiz and Assignments: 30%
3.Mid-term examination:25%
4.Final examination:25%
教師網頁 http://lms.ctl.cyut.edu.tw/blog/2009281
教學內容 本課程讓學生了解微分、積分之基礎觀念與意義,並訓練學生熟悉微分、積分的運算。教學內容另著重於商業管理上之應用,建立學生以系統化的思維解決商業問題之能力。 Syllabus By this course, students will realize the fundamental concept of Calculus and be familiar with the operation of derivation and integration. Also, this course will help to cultivate students’ ability in solving practical problems in business with systematic thinking.