朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Introduction of Leisure Industrial Interpretation 解說概論

當期課號 3187 Course Number 3187
授課教師 賴文仁 Instructor LAI,WEN JEN
中文課名 解說概論 Course Name Introduction of Leisure Industrial Interpretation
開課單位 休閒事業管理系(四進)一B Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 說明解說概論及解說原則,透過解說單元的說明,並要求學生依課程進度分組進行作業及演練。 Objectives The students will be asked to write homework depents on schedule in this semester.
The purpose of this class is guide student to realize and to practice in interpretation.
教材 1.著重個別實務演練。
3. 提供學生學習、設計與報告的環境機會,強化導覽活動設計及解說技巧。
Teaching Materials There are all units lay out the understanding, knowledge and skills in detail and indicates what the student needs to produce in terms of evidence.
成績評量方式 1.分組研討20%,期中報告30%,口頭報告20%,期末報告30%
Grading Team works 20%,Mid-term 30%,Presentation 20%, Proposal 30%
教師網頁 www.cyut.edu.tw/~andylai
教學內容 1.了解導覽解說的意義及實施方式。
Syllabus There are vistors and specific groups need professional communication of interpretation to support the various useful and systemerical information in which are an integral part of their operations to understand more about natural recreational resources.