朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Surveying and Reserch 市場調查與研究

當期課號 3156 Course Number 3156
授課教師 朱瑞淵 Instructor CHU,JUI YUAN
中文課名 市場調查與研究 Course Name Surveying and Reserch
開課單位 休閒事業管理系(二進)四A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 使學生瞭解行銷學之基本概念,及市場調查之原理、作業程序、以及進行之注意要點等。使其在未來從事設計工作時除具有正確之市場行銷概念以外,亦能熟知進行市場調查之正確時機與進行方式,以期確實有助於適當設計策略之研擬,並進而提高其設計之價值。 Objectives Introducing basic Marketing Concepts, as well as concepts, principles, procedures concerning Marketing Survey. Aiming at enhancing marketing awareness among students, and providing them with the knowledge on marketing survey. These understanding will be beneficial in enabling them of formulating viable design strategies which will hopefully lead to better "Marketable Products" in their future career as product designers.
教材 自行編制教材、個案討論、調查練習及相關參考書 Teaching Materials class notes、 case study、survey practice and related reference
成績評量方式 平時成績(含出席)(20%)、調查練習報告(20%)、期中考(30%)、期末報告(30%) Grading HW(20%),survey practice report(20%), midterm(30%), final oral report(30%)
教學內容 1. 市場調查的基本概念與應用
2. 市場調查的種類
3. 市場調查的主題與相關內容的決定
4. 資料收集的方法與練習
5. 問卷設計的流程、原則與練習
6. 抽樣方法與練習
7. 報告的撰寫與建議策略的擬定
Syllabus 1. Basic principle of market survey.
2. Type of market survey.
3. Tpoic of market survey and determination of related variable.
4. Methods of data collection.
5. The process and pronciple of designing a questionaire.
6. Methods of sampling.
7. Report format and suggestion of marketing strategy.