朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Professional License Verification 專業證照檢定

當期課號 3120 Course Number 3120
授課教師 劉原岱 Instructor LIU,HUAN TAI
中文課名 專業證照檢定 Course Name Professional License Verification
開課單位 保險金融管理系(四進)四A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 0 Credits 0
課程目標 1. 藉由畢業證照點數規定及相關證照輔導課程,鼓勵學生報考國內外金融保險相關證照,以獲得未來工作相關的專業知識。
2. 提升學生職場所需相關技巧,增強學生就業競爭力。
3. 使學生具保險金融從業人員之職業道德與專業態度。
4. 可做為學生未來就業及進修之基礎。
Objectives 1. The points of graduation certificate and courses on relevant certificates encourage students to obtain domestic and foreign certificates to have professional knowledge for future work.
2. Enhancing students’ skills for work and making them more competitive in job market.
3. Enabling students to have job morality and professional attitudes in insurance and finance industry.
4. Serving as students’ foundation on future employment and further study.
教材 講義資料 Teaching Materials Speach-data
成績評量方式 每位畢業學生均需取得系訂標準的專業證照點數,方得畢業。 Grading By the department rule, all students should get enough number of professional licenses before graduation.
教學內容 系訂標準的專業證照介紹與取得點數之審查。 Syllabus Introducing of professional licenses and get points review