朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Topics in Practice of Insurance 保險實務專題

當期課號 3119 Course Number 3119
授課教師 謝國成 Instructor ,
中文課名 保險實務專題 Course Name Topics in Practice of Insurance
開課單位 保險金融管理系(四進)四A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程是畢業專題,學生應選擇適當專討主題,但最好是與保險金融管理相關,學生應於研究完成前撰寫正式報告並提交給指導教授審核。 Objectives This course is provided to the students as the Graduation Project. Students are required to select a proper research topic, write a formal report and submit it to their advisors for approval.
教材 人身&財產保險經營(平安出版) Teaching Materials The management of life and property insurance
成績評量方式 1.期中:25% 2.期末:50% 3.平時:25% Grading Grading midterm exam:25% final exam:50% other :25% other:25%
教學內容 從保險實務專題印証保險原理、原則之運作,並透過分組研討方式,加深對各項專題的研究、認識了解,並增加將來進入保險職場之工作能力。 Syllabus Introduction of practical topics of insurance. We can understand the insurance theory, operating principles of by grouping discussion, to enhance the ability of attending to insurance career.